30 Desember 2008

Galau = Big Disaster

Beberapa menit yang lalu saya membaca posting dari teman gila tersayang, Achmad Munahadi, yang berjudul Obat Galauski. I found some good words in the last paragraph, and it says:

"kawan, memang boleh saja kita bersedih namun jangan sampai terpuruk di dalamnya. Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita dapatkan, buka mata selebar-lebarnya, masih banyak hal yang bisa kita kerjakan daripada terus berdiam dan sedih"

Vowww wwooow! When i read his posting, suddenly i feel calm. Hadi, you are my man! I ever felt that way too.
GALAU=Big Disaster, why? Because it ruins your entire life. It destroys you, it changes your mood in a second. How bad it is!

Yesterday, i spent a day with my friends. I really excited to meet them. First of all, i went to Senayan City to meet Gerha, my best friend. I miss her, I really do. Then we spent a time at Pizza Hut. Sharing some stories, laughing, Having two glasses of lemon tea, A plate of cakes, and a bowl of cream soup. It was nice. I though i will have a really great day. An hour later five of my friends, including Menyik -one of my best girls too-, come to our place. We have a short talks then move to Fresh n' Brew, Lamandau. We hang in that place for a second, just find drinks and french fries. Then we decided to go to Grand Indonesia. Again and again, we search for foods. We went to HokBen, time showed up 21:00 pm. Some of my friends eating while the others chatting, and making some jokes. We are lauging so loud (the best thing that we can do in the world, laugh!). Everthing goes fine until i found one picture in my friend's cellphone. Maybe it is an ordinary photo for the others, but it is not me. Okay, let say that i am jealous! Suddenly that big disaster named Galau come into my head.

My mood gones bad, at that time i really want to go home. Two hours later, i decided to go home. Galau is the best word to explain my feeling. I went home by my self and bring the creature named Galau with me. When i turned on my car, Viva la Vida from Coldplay automatically playing. It was so nice to hear that song, suddenly i miss my class mate. Like Hadi, Viva la Vida such a medicine for me. Then i feel a lil bit calm. The next is Jason Mraz with Lucky and Dewi Lestari with Malaikat Juga Tahu. Those songs really help me to forget those things that make me Galau. I opened the window and made a karaoke time. Huffff it's realy fun! Those are the best medicine to solve my Galau feeling.

Everyone must find their own way to solve a big disaster named Galau. Hadi can forget his Galau by listening Angels and Airwaves, while i prefer to make a karaoke time in my car. Now, it's your turn to find your way, so that you don't have to be worry if those feeling come up. Don't let your self stuck in there. Good luck, buddy!

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